Welcome to Magical Vacations by Mindy, your personalized travel expert for Worldwide Travel!

Owner, Mindy Pittman is ready to provide you with knowledge to make your vacation planning as easy, enjoyable and care-free as possible! Magical Vacations by Mindy is a travel agency located in Raleigh, North Carolina that helps plan worldwide leisure travel! Magical Vacations by Mindy helps clients plan their vacations remotely who live all over the US. Magical Vacations by Mindy charges no service fees and desires to add value and service to your travel experience. Mindy's goal is to provide you with the best options based upon your desires and preferences. Mindy takes the stress and time out of planning by doing the research and handling the details so you can enjoy your vacation from start to finish.

Why do we travel?

- To refuel from a busy lifestyle

-To relax and take time away from work

-To have time to reconnect with the ones we love

-To get out of our daily routine

-To clear our minds

-To celebrate a special occasion

-To see a part of the world we've never seen

-To learn and educate ourselves about history and experience other cultures

Why should you use Magical Vacations by Mindy for your travel endeavors?

*Value added services

*Personalized vacation planning

*Experience & relationship with travel vendors

*No service fees

*One-on-one service

*Help refine and direct your searching for the perfect destination in your budget

*To save you time and make the planning easy